I'm 110% judging myself for how excited I am that American Idol is finally live tonight - raise the roof! I blame one sole person for this addiction: Everett Jonathan Graff. See, Jon lives and breathes for Idol. I'm going to sell Jon out here for a second: The man has 3 Idol magnets on his fridge. He moved to CA about 4 months ago, and I haven't even seen his new fridge - but I know he had 3 in CO, and I know those 3 made the move. Secret? When I first moved here, and Graff would invite me over twice weekly (Tuesday for the performances, Wednesday for the results) for Idol, I went strictly for the social aspect. Good food, great drinks and even better company - I didn't really even like the show! But now? I'm like a kid in a candy store knowing the auditions are over and it's Live from here until the end of the season.
A few of my favorite past season moments:
Caw! Caw! Fact: I was the only one I knew who liked (loved) Megan. My friends would get so annoyed at me because they thought I liked her strictly out of spite. Fact: My friends HATED Megan.
Who can forget this gem? Fact: I kept this in my DVR for the better part of 5 months, and would watch it over, and over and overandoverandoverandover again.
Le sigh. Fact: I echo every sentiment I said about the above video. Fact: I even have the judge's commentary down pact.
These two. Fact: I still secretly hope they get back together, and I've never met them!...and never will meet them.
But my #1 favorite . The man who has my heart. Mr. Kris Allen . Fact: I saw him live about 4 months ago! I wouldn't let anyone speak to me while he was performing. Beth + Kris = Love. Fact: I didn't speak to my friend Shannon for a few days after the Idol finale where Kris beat out Adam because she was (and still is) a huge ginormous, over the top, die hard Adam Lambert fan. Never to worry - Shan Pizzy Bambert Stephanie and I have worked out our differences and have realized our hearts belong with different men, and that's okay. Fact: I once text Shannon 30 times in one night strictly about my feedback to Idol performances.
But my favorite thing? Idle and idol are the same word. So pull up a chair, your favorite drink, order in Thai and remain idle while watching Idol.
Jonny - I dedicate this post to you! You are the single biggest and most painful pain in my ass, but there is no way I could love you more. Come home soon!
One last thing, then I'll let this topic go for the night. My favorite American Idol + Jon Graff story:
We would often order in the night of Idol mostly because everyone would get off work, but ass to get their workout in for the night, then go straight to Jon's sweaty and Idol hungry. We ordered in Thai one night, and Jon was so twiterpated about missing the first few minutes Idol and the food getting there, he mistakenly tipped the delivery man $40! FORTY DOLLARS!?!?!!! Forty dollars. $40 for a less than $20 meal.
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