Monday, September 22, 2014

//so summer.

Happy first day of Fall!

While I am welcoming this new beautiful { and not to mention my very favorite! } season with wide open arms, I do want to share a few memories and moments over these past few months that were just so summer to me.  Moments that made me pause, smile and give silent thanks to the constant beauty and love that surrounds my life.  These are the tiniest of moments that would stop me in my tracks and think oh summer - you are so good.

The lightest scent of sunscreen on my still warm from the sun body
Riding home on bikes at night with friends in town.  Looking up to see the crisp black sky littered with stars and my best friend Sara behind me and hearing nothing but her constant giggle
Sitting in the creek that cuts through our backyard still sweaty after biking 7+ miles while snacking on a handful of peanuts,  Hunter at my side and watching the trickling water ripple over my feet
Enjoying a beer in the backyard with a group of friends and seeing a momma and it's baby moose snack on the trees in the field next to our house
Legs dangling off the top of the boat and splashes of water spitting up hitting my toes
Watching the stars in silence on a camping trip with the company of Hunter, Lindsey and a good beer
Reading a good book while laying in the backyard with freshly brewed sun-tea with { you guessed it - the creek again } the trickle of the creek in the background
Losing any and all sense of time while being surrounded with the beauty of Steamboat and showing my best friend Jaime some lesser known Steamboat hiking trails.
Headed down the road in the van, reggae music blasting, windows down and the rush of adventure pulsing through our veins.
Logging hours upon hours of mountain biking throughout the summer

I will be back later this week sharing more specific summer memories + trips + photos but I really wanted to give these tiny little moments their own story on this ol' blog.

1 comment:

  1. I can hear sara's laugh and picture your bike ride... I am loving this visual!
