Sunday, July 10, 2011

Get in my belly.

This weekend, I have done way too much laughing, eating, relaxing, dreaming, texting and smiling but not early enough cleaning or churching.

Whoopsa'daisy.  Please don't tell my mother.

My body has been forcing me to take some serious time off from life in general lately.  Activities that have been put on hold include but are not limited to: A painless and sound nights sleep, working out/running of any kind, enjoying my favorite glass of red wine at night after dinner, being in public and being able to laugh without holding my right side/wincing in pain etc.  I've had some pretty weird stuff going on { answers hopefully to come on Wednesday }, and though it caused me to cancel my plans Friday night { *Yogurtland and True Blood in bed still constitute a kickin' Friday night, I might add. } the aches, pains, sniffles and yuckies weren't enough to cancel on my plans last night.  Jaime's sister, Gina and I have gotten pretty close by virtue of the upcoming nuptials in September.  With her birthday being this Wednesday, we went out to celebrate last night!  It started with Gina, Jaime and I getting our makeup done at the MAC store in Cherry Creek (it was the first time I had worn eye-makeup of any sort in probably up to 7 years, so though it was TOTALLY out of my comfort zone, Gina and Jaime had a good time, and I can chalk it up to a new experience and some amaze-o pictures), then we popped a bottle of Prosecco at Jaime and Ryan's, got all fancy and met a up at Vita's rooftop for { yet another } glass of Prosecco before dinner at Linger! Now I've expressed my love for Root Down in an earlier blog post, and Linger is Root Down's sister though I didn't know what to expect { Linger is in the old Olinger building....which used to be a mortuary. True story. } the food, scenery and company did not disappoint. I cannot go into detail about about how amazing the food was, because I will end up abandoning this blog post, and making a reservation for 1 to re-eat everything we had last night - but we ordered: cheese curds with fire roasted jalapenos, mussels { the best ones I've ever had in my entire life, BTW }, pork sticky buns { my number 1 favorite of the night }, Pad Thai, shrimp ceviche, some crazy funky sweet potato crepe, a beef stir fry number with what they called "shrimp crackers" and I just know I'm missing one more, but it is escaping me right now. After Linger, we walked over to Cellar Wine Bar { DO NOT tell my aunt, she's been begging to be the first person who takes me here for months now...whoosa'daisy) for a night cap, then headed back to J&R's for some good ol' Bud Light and card games. Perfection.

This morning { after staying at Jaime and Ryan's }, I got up and met my uncle for brunch in Boulder at Zolo's Grill where I had dynamite goat cheese, arugula, asparagus breakfast enchilada's and Craig sent me home with a baggie full of fresh garden peas.  

Basically, I've gained 20 pounds over the weekend, but hot damn is my tummy happy. Know what else though? I've also gained some awesome memories and it took my mind off having to lay for 2 hours on a hospital bed in a few days. That is what I call a win-win, folks.

Oh, did I mention I have a backyard BBQ in about 3 hours at my friend Tim's house?

I'm off to dream of skinny jeans and flat tummies. Who am I kidding?!?!!...I'm going to be dreaming of those d@mn pork sticky buns ...

*One thing I would not recommend is eating Yogurtland, and only Yogurtland for dinner.  I totally woke up with a sugar hangover Saturday morning.

Also, pictures of Gina's birthday night out to come - James got some great shots on her camera!

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