Sunday, May 20, 2012

Weekend FTW!

Another Sunday night, another whirlwind of memories, full belly and sleepy eyes.

I have a morning wake-up call set for 5:30am from a Miss. Mary Jo Ida, and according to her schedule, I'm supposed to be winding down right now - but I couldn't not post a few pix from the weekend!

I spent a lot of time with this face

These faces

A surprise pop-in from this face

Ate lots of yummy food

Played fun new games

Got creative

All while trying to enjoy the outdoors as much as posible!

And my two favorite outtakes from the weekend:

And the bombshell of all outtakes....





Wait for it.

Wait for it.

The best one of all:

I will be back with more pictures, stories and a few updates, but for now it's time to cuddle in with my clean sheets and baby blanket with a book!  And anxiously await my 5:30a Vox from my Mary!


How was your weekend?!


  1. FEED ME FROYO. Haha, that's my caption.

  2. TESTING TEST 1, 2, check check

  3. This weekend was so much fun and I love all your beautiful pictures to capture it all. Love it and love you!
