Friday, January 2, 2015

Come at me, 2015.

I'm feeling rather conflicted on New Years Resolutions this year.  I still stand by the belief that a person can change behaviors and habits any of the 12 months out of the year and really shouldn't wait for 1 specific day to change their routines.  But.  I have been taking a few minutes to reflect on 2014 and taking note of a few things that I let fall to the wayside that I want to improve upon.


I'm going to work on creating more.  Creating more food, memories, cards, friendships, income, crafts, designs, fitness goals.  Creating of all forms is a huge release for me and it's something I want to continue to grow.

I want to become more knowledgable of what I'm putting in my body.  We eat copious amounts of fruits and vegetables but sadly I don't know that much about the specific nutrients and benefits of them all!  I would love to really read up on what it is we are eating on a daily basis.

I hope to be more kind to myself and practice several forms of self care…both big and small.  

I want to grow my friendships.  I want to do more than shoot a "Hi,howareya?" text with several emojis to my long distance friends.  I want to spend more time talking on the phone and writing letters.  I have a girlfriend in Washington ( my best friend Julia! ) and we've slowly started the habit of sending each other letters once a week or once every two weeks.  Actual letters!  I can't even express how much it warms my heart.  It feels like a much more sincere form of friendship and it's something I want to work on for all my girlfriends.

I want to take less shitty pictures and far more intentional photos.  When I look through my iPhoto I notice a trend of dozens of half assed blurry photos because I was too shy or lazy to work on getting just the right photo that I was hoping for.  

I will be more nurturing to myself and those around me.  I will be intentional + present with my actions and my words.  


Happy 2015, friends!  I hope you started your year spoiled in love and laughter.


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