Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Favorite 5.

I'm always ready to be the shoulder to cry, drink with or help find a distraction when a friend is in need..........though my sympathy doesn't probably always last as long as they would hope.  I've adapted the philosophy of The 5's:  "Give me 5 things you are thankful for." It forces people to push past the negative thoughts, and reminds us all that even when times are tough - there is always something to smile about.  Always.

I need to take my own advice this week, so here are my 5's.

1. I'm thankful for my mom.  No matter my mood, the time or day, she always takes my calls, listens, and coaches me through whatever crisis I'm going through - big or small!  She also has this uncanny way of making me laugh when all I want to do is pout and gives me faith it will all work out someway, somehow.

2.  The Colorado sun giving us a peek at what life will be like in just a few short weeks time.  It helps me to look forward to Rockie's games, patio happy hours and long runs in the park.

3.  My needy cat.  When he's pacing, constantly at my heels and yelling at me...all he really wants is some lovin'.  

4. Unlimited texting.  Because really? How can you have a bad day when all your best friends are literally at your fingertips.

5. Red wine. I'm not sure I need a description here as it pretty much speaks for itself.  ; )

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