Friday, November 23, 2012

Friday's Letters { vol. 3 }

{ please note: I've been awake since 5am, and am up about 2 hours past my bedtime because I started a new crochet project I simply could. not. put. down. I will reformat this post to match the others tomorrow, but now? Now you get a post from my phone. And an easy peasy post it will be. }

dear mom, dad, kate, joel, jen &
thank you for a thanksgiving filled with belly laughs, unconditional love, endless memories, simply amazing food yet with an equal mix of challenging and testing moments. i couldn't have dreamed to spend the day with any one but yourselves, and love each and every one of you for exactly who you are. thank you all for being all the wonderful that you are

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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