Friday, December 30, 2011

The Nerve.

Can you believe this? I ordered sushi delivery last night…and the dude delivering it has the audacity to come inside and eat it with me. Not just that – but he also brought a bottle of wine and started playing with Forks like he ran the place.

Buttttt. He was pretty cute so I let him stay. The best part is I didn't even ask for the sushi but BAM he showed up on my doorstep with it! Score one for Beth.

It’s a good thing you can’t see too clearly the letters I drew on our wine glasses. Hunter’s H turned out fine…but my B looked like a dyslexic 3 year old wrote it. No offense if any dyslexic 3 year olds are reading this – but a 26 year old Graphic Designer should do better than what Hunter explained as “it kiiiinda looks like a dollar sign”.

Enough talk about my chalkboard skillz.

What’s everyone doing for the New Year?! We are taking off just as quickly as I can get out of work and escaping to Steamboat for the weekend! Steamboat is where he grew up, so I’m excited to check out all his favorite hot spots. His dad will still be there tonight when we get in, so we’ll get to grab dinner with him. We’ll be skiing a lot of Saturday and Sunday, and there is a strong possibility that we will go sledding. Hunter has been begging me to go sledding with him for like 2 months now, so I’m finally giving in. (That’s not true. I’ve been doing the begging, it’s just easier to push off the obsession with the hobby of said 3 year old on him.) We plan on cooking some yummy dinners, enjoying the hot tub and watching the Broncos game! OH! I TOTALLY FORGOT THE BEST PART! My sweet friends Heather and Tom who live up in Fort Collins are magically and randomly going to be in Steamboat this weekend, too! I screamed and possibly peed a little bit when I heard that (No peeing happened. Strictly screaming. I promise.) – I have been wanting to get together with these two for weeks now because I just know Tom and Hunter will get along like peas and carrots. Every hobby Hunter has…Tom has. Well maybe not EVERY hobby, but the cool ones: Beer brewing, skiing, biking, hiking. And hanging out with supa cool chicks. Right, Heather?

Can you tell I’ve had about 3x my limit of coffee this morning? I’m rambling.

Happy 2012 fun friends!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. Happy new year babe!
    Can't wait to have some fun together [virtual, of course ;) ] in the New Year! :)
