Wednesday, May 1, 2013


For the past 6 months straight, it's been one thing after another.  Day trips to Steamboat or Laramie. Busy business weekends at the ski area.  Driving to Denver.  Trips to New Hampshire, Montana, Utah, exploring different parts of Wyoming.  DC.  Lake Powell.  Coming in and out of cell phone reception, trying my hardest to keep up with friends across the miles while focusing on the friends and family in front of us.  Living out of a suitcase for weeks on end; at the end of a trip throwing out what needed laundered, tossing in clean clothes and taking off again the following morning.  It was a beautiful tornado while it lasted, and it was the build up to our grand plan.  Our grand plan to move the end of the ski season.  What I didn't really realize until we were in the thick of it was that our trip to DC would immediately transition with the last weekend of the ski season which would immediately transition to a week spent on the boat celebrating Hunter's mom which would immediately transition to dozens of to do lists and goodbyes while mapping out our drive to our final destination.  I literally feel like we went to bed one night in Hunter's aunt's basement { who was kind enough to put us up in } DC and woke up in our new home.  It's scary and thrilling to me at the same time how much we've done and that we've made it.  We've made it to our grand plan.  We arrived in Bremerton, WA a week ago Monday, and have been living in our our breathtaking-nearly-too-good-to-be-true condo on the waterfront for a week ago yesterday.  

We made it.

We had nearly a full week of settling in, exploring, testing new grocery stores, coffee shops, restaurants before Hunt started work.  It's too early to say we've fallen into a routine, but it's so close I can taste it.  Hunter worked his first overnight last night and now we will transition back into getting used to his work/sleeping schedule.   I was up with the sun this morning to enjoy a sunrise on the ocean while sipping on water + cayenne pepper + fresh lemon while mixing up a few green smoothies to greet him when he walked in the door.  He went to bed, I went out for a run.  While he catches up on his zzz's, I'm catching up on emails and about to tackle a few freelance projects.  When he wakes, he'll probably go for a run on the waterfront before we have plans for a long drive up north to continue our exploring souls.  You guys.  It's happening.  And it's even more beautiful than I could have imagined.    

p.s. It feels good to be back.  I've missed you.  : >


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you! I'll give my back the memo of "Welcome". Any other message I can give it?

  2. So exciting!! I have a feeling the next 2 months of my life is going to be verrry similar to what you just went through!

    Thank you for all your sweet comments on my blog & on instagram. You are the best! Can't wait to follow along on your new adventure!

    1. Anna - you are the sweetest! Thanks for the sweet comment! It's such a thrill to find other wanderlust adventuring souls out there. Is it strange that I craved the time Hunter and I spent in the car driving 10 hour days to get to our destination? I'm so envious of what you guys have ahead of you but also can't wait to follow along!!! Drive safely, dear!
